When it comes to purchasing bulk apparel for your customers or clients, it would be ideal to know exactly what size of each garment you need to purchase. But that’s not usually the case. It is rare that you have access to the size of each person you are ordering for. Instead, you’ll probably have to guess based on past orders, knowing your customer, and rule of thumb. Or even worse - just guessing?
We are here to help. We have spent the last 15 years in the apparel industry owning and operating various consumer brands and have navigated through these waters. Every brand is different and understanding your customer or future customer is what is most important. By sharing the size breakdown ratio that we use, we hope to provide information for you to consider when placing a bulk garment order. The size breakdown ratio can help you understand how much of each size to buy without having to guess (at least not having to guess as much). While ordering 10 of each size might sound safe, we want you to be empowered to make industry-conscious decisions and to better understand your inventory position.