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luxury blanks

Our Brand Standards

Branding is one of the most important parts of any business. Establishing identity and consistently adhering to those standards guides non-verbal communication with customers. We are a modernist brand, but one that always tries to interject classical charm and warmth.
Below are our internal guidelines at Original Favorites. It is not a common practice for businesses to have their brand standards shared with the general public, but we feel as though it is important for our clients to understand how they can go about developing their own framework as they build their brand. Use this as a resource and a general roadmap as you create your own fingerprint and identity.
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This is the Original Favorites (OF) core symbol, monogram, and shorthand. It represents the Original Favorites name and values in a succinct package.
At its heart, the composition represents an “01” — a strong message that we are the original and leading force. Looking deeper, you can see subtle references to our name, as the composition also exudes an “OF.” Our symbol is a custom composition, and designed for our exclusive use.    

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At its heart, the composition represents an '01' — a strong message that we are the original leading force.



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The Original Favorites wordmark is the second piece to our core identity. It is equally, if not more important. Like our symbol, the wordmark is also of a custom nature and must never be recreated or modified.  




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 Our tagline “Classics Uncompromised.™” is the third element to our core identity system. This piece is treated more like a logo than a tagline, taking strong precedence in use and displayed across our suite of graphics.                          




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luxury blanks






Color plays many roles in visual design. It conveys meaning, creates emotional resonance, and brings unity to designs. 

While designing our color palette, the purpose was to be unique and identifiable, while also alluding to something warm and familiar. 

Currently, Original Favorites utilizes White, Black, and our Brand Color “OF Gold”. We are currently in the process of expanding this internal use, but at its heart our system will always consist of these three values. To not abide by these codes/builds whenever designing in our system would be degrading to the presence of Original Favorites and must never happen under any circumstance.




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When choosing a color palette, simplicity is key. Choose a neutral background color. Then choose a primary and secondary accent color.




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luxury blanks



Original Favorites currently utilizes two type families in our suite. The first of these two are our Headline, Call-out, and commanding communicator: Object Sans Bold. We are currently defining the overall hierarchy of our type system, but before we do, keep in mind that Object Sans Bold is the primary headline and takes precedent over the other type systems.





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luxury blanks



The second type family in use throughout our system is IBM Plex Mono, a monospaced type that emphasizes some of the classic aesthetics of our design narrative. IBM Plex is an open source type system provided through IBM themselves, its design narrative is expressive and beautifully built.

We describe IBM Plex as our “workhorse” typeface — this font family allows us to communicate in long format text, subtext, and accent all at once. IBM has always served as a medium between mankind and machine. Between the natural and the engineered. The emotional and rational.





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luxury blanks




IBM has always served as a medium between mankind and machine. Between the natural and the engineered. The emotional and rational.






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